Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Lungs , The Largest Organ in The Human Body


Good morning everyone, sorry DS wrote the article the early morning like today. This is due to the busyness of the DS as a student, entrepreneur, and teachers teach, which makes the DS back should ignore in writing articles. Again and again. However, inshaAllah every article written DS will remain continuous and sustainable benefit.
Furthermore, for the first, we will discuss the lungs.

The lungs are the largest organ of our body, lungs beat skin which occupies the second position as the largest organ, with an area of ​​40 m2. 40 m2 for air exchange. can we imagine an area of ​​the field, right?

The upper limit of the lung itself (the apex of the lung) reach the sternal end of the 1st rib. At the bottom of the borders with diaphragms. And are covered by a rib that wraps from the lung itself. Being the center bordered by mediastinal, which contains the heart, esophagus, and so on.

The structure of the lung itself is divided into lobes. In the right lung, consisting of three lobes, the upper lobe, middle, and bottom are separated by fissures oblique and horizontal fissures. Whereas the left lung has only oblique fissure that does not have a middle lobe. On the part of the left upper lobe, there is a section called lingual.

Structure and out of the lungs through the pulmonary hilum, which veiled by pleural air bag loose. Moderate bleeding system through the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein. Through the lymphatic drainage of the tracheobronchial lymph nodes and headed to the lymph trunks. Medium persarafannya, there is only the parietal pleura, bronchi (if bronchi) are supplied by the pulmonary plexus, a collection of pulmonary nerves.
Respiratory mechanism
Human respiratory distinguished on the chest breathing and abdominal breathing . Breathing chest and abdominal breathing occurs through the inspiratory and expiratory phases .
1. Chest Breathing Mechanism
a. Inspiration Phase chest breathing
Chest breathing inspiration mechanism as follows :
The muscles between the ribs ( muscular external intercostalis ) contract - > raised ribs ( flat position ) - > lungs inflate - > air pressure in the lungs become smaller than the outside air pressure - > outside air into the lungs
b . Expiratory phase of breathing chest
Expiratory abdominal breathing mechanism is as follows :
Relaxation of the muscles between the ribs - > rib decreases - > lungs shrink - > air pressure in the lungs is greater than the outside air pressure - > air out of the lungs .
2. Abdominal Breathing Mechanism
a. Abdominal breathing inspiration phase
Abdominal breathing inspiration mechanism as follows:
diaphragm (diafraghma) contract -> position of the curved into a flat -> lungs inflate -> air pressure in the lung is smaller than the outside air pressure -> incoming air
b. Expiratory phase abdominal breathing
Expiratory abdominal breathing mechanism as follows:
diafraghma muscle relaxation -> position of the horizontal curved back -> lungs deflate -> air pressure in the lungs more Besas than the outside air pressure -> air out of the lungs.
Well, at the time of the expiratory phase, and there he came out CO2 and H2O which is a residual substance from expiratory system. And the incoming O2, we can perform the activity, because ATP is burned into energy for the cell activity in our bodies.
Don't Forget to Breath. :)
It was nice to be able to explain, although not detailed, but it may at least give you an idea about the largest organ in our body.
Stay healthy, keep reading, keep monitoring Blog is full of science. Remain with DS. Because science is the diversity of life.

Sources :
-Faiz, Omar dan David Moffat.2003.At a Glance Series ANATOMI.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Suryo, Joko.2010.Herbal Penyembuh Gangguan Sistem Pernapasan.Yogyakarta:B First

-Evelyn C, Pearce. (2009). Anatomi dan Fisiologi untuk Paramedis. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

System Excretion in Humans (Part 2).


Happy Tuesday!

We will continue our discussion about yesterday about the excretory system in humans . tingga two organs of the four organs which we will discuss in this article .

3. skin

The skin is the outer portion of the body surface. Serves as a sensory tool, tool expenses, and the body's thermostat. Well, of course we are here to discuss the function of the skin as a means of spending, which is probably also a little later will connect as thermostat and body protection tool.

The structure of skin consists of three main layers, namely: the epidermis or epidermis, dermis cuticle, endo dermis contains fat reserves.

The epidermis : This is a brief of the epidermis is as follows . The epidermis is a stratified squamous epithelium , with beberpa layer visible . The main cells called keratinocytes . Which is the result of cell division in the deepest layer of the epidermis , which continues to grow to the outside , and then experienced the so-called terminal differentiation and forming cells of the surface layer ( stratum corneum ) .

The dermis is the layer of connective tissue just below the epidermis , and is the largest area of the skin . Overview of the dermis itself is like a woven fiber interlocking , consisting mostly of collagen fibers , and also by the elastin fibers . These fibers that make the dermis very strong and elastic , and is also very strong .

In this part of the skin structure important function is the dermis. Where in this section was the one that serves as excretion. For example: when friends do exercise, body temperature will rise, will make the blood vessels in the capillary expands, so will be more blood flow there. Thus making reddening of the skin. In addition, the sweat will be issued as a balancing of blood flow much earlier, then sweat it evaporated, well here's body temperature will drop.
The above process is also the lead after sweating we will feel thirsty.

4. Kidneys

In the human version, the kidney is the main excretory organ. Is the heaviest organ works to dispose of waste materials and regulate the balance of substances from the body.

Kidney shape itself as a big red beans. There are 2 kidneys or kidney pair, on the right and left upper abdomen of the human back. If split longitudinally, it will show the outside of the kidney (cortex) and the inside (the medulla, and the cavities of the kidney (pelvis).

Systems that work here is almost entirely carried out by the nephron. Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. One kidney is composed of approximately one million nephrons.
Nephron consists of several parts, consisting of Bowman's capsule (which contained the glomerulus), proximal tubule, distal tubule and loop of Henle.

Some role in the renal excretion process are:
a. Secrete waste products, for example urea, uric acid, creatinine, keratin, and other substances that are toxic to our bodies.
b. Regulate blood plasma volume and the amount of water in the body.
c. Set the osmotic pressure in the blood, so that the body does not lose important salts in electrolyte balance.
d. PH acidity regulate levels in plasma or blood and body fluids. With secrete urine acidic or alkaline.
In the kidney, a process that is important for the excretion process of filtration, reabsorption, and augmentation so that later formed the urine and will be removed from the body.

In short we will discuss with the arrow diagram. Is as follows:
--> blood leading to glomerular filtration process --> undergo primary urine (urinary free blood cells and proteins) --> into the proximal tubule and Henle reabsorption --> occur (the re-absorption of glucose, amino acids, salts) --> secondary urine flow to the distal tubule --> augmentation process occurs addition of substances that are not needed --> addition of urea and certain substances -->  actual urine.

Finally we can finish from one system of the human body . Alhamdulillah . Exciting is not it? Of course we'll discuss further , regarding each of the organs which I have described in the excretory system and parts of two parts one .

Hopefully friends all could get benefit . DS apologize if there are errors in the writing . And if there is criticism or suggestions are very DS waiting in the comments field . Stay healthy , keep the spirit so that we can continue to learn about the science of this variety .


Sources :
-Abdullah, Kirajuddin, dkk.2007.IPA TERPADU SMP dan MTs Jilid 3A untuk Kelas IX Semester 1.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Aryulina, Diah, dkk.2006.Biologi SMA dan MA untuk Kelas XI.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Djoko, Arisworo, dkk.2006.IPA Terpadu (Biologi, Kimia, Fisika).Jakarta:Grafindo Media Pratama
-Furqonita, Deswanty. 2007.Seri 3 BIOLOGI SMP kelas IX.Jakarta:Yudhistira
-Graham-Brown, Robin.2005.Dermatologi : Catat Kuliah.Jakarta:Erlangga

System Excretion in Humans (Part 1).


Welcome Friends.

If all my friends already had studied the respiratory system and digestive system. Well, the end result is a residual substances such as feces and CO2 if it is too long or too many accumulate in the body can disrupt the balance in the body, and the edges will cause your body to become ill .
Excretory System willbe discussed, its is important to understand the process of spending substances resulting from the respiratory and digestive systems. Therefore, let us begin to discuss one by one.

The system itself is derived from the Latin ( Systema ) and Greek ( Sustema ) is a unit consisting of components or elements that are connected together in order to facilitate the flow of energy, information, materials to achieve a goal.
Excretion itself is spending the metabolic waste products from the body through certain organs.
So we can conclude excretory system is a system that mengatuh material balance, energy present in our body by focusing on spending the rest of the substances that are not used anymore. Both may have been too much so, in simple excretory system is the system that regulates spending the rest of the substances that exist in our bodies.
Organ Excretion
Excretory organs are organs that make up the excretory system itself. There are four organs that compose and to his 4 is very important for our body. Four organs are the lungs, liver, skin, and kidney. Well, we start in this order, okay. But, of the four organs of excretion which we will discuss or DS discussed at this time, we will discuss two first organ, which is a vital organ in our body. 
1. Lungs

Lung 2 pieces or pair, there in the chest cavity in our bodies, right and left. Separated by the mediastinum and limited ribs I ( Os. Costae I) to diagfragmatika. The right part of the lung consists of three lobes and the left side of the two lobes.
The main function of the lung, is a breathing apparatus. But in this case the rest of the lung will secrete substances metabolism, namely carbon dioxide ( CO2 ).
CO2 and H2O are substances residual respiratory metabolism, blood from the tissue, then into the left side of the heart, and then pumped to the lungs. In the lungs was , or rather in that alveolus CO2 and H2O which are waste products are removed and replaced with O2 and back into the left side of the heart and is pumped throughout the body to meet their energy needs.
More will be discussed in subsequent articles.
2. The Liver

The liver is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity in normal circumstances. There under diagfragmatika.
The liver produces bile. Because the liver into the excretory organs in the human body. Bile itself is a metabolic waste products, composed of water, bile salts, bile acids, cholesterol, bile dye, and other substances. The liver also be a revamp of the old hemoglobin, is certainly very nice. Where if hemoglobin is old, then he is not functioning optimally. Once overhauled, formed bilirubin. Bilirubin and bile was issued jointly into the intestine, in the intestine bilirubin is broken down into sterkoblin, and urobilin. Sterkobilin color stool or feces. Urobilin urine color .
If there is a disruption of the formation and distribution, it usually will happen buildup of bilirubin in the blood and the absence in the feces. Will cause the color of urine or stool white / brown, and yellowish skin color. Often called jaundice.
More will be discussed in subsequent articles 
Well, how the two organs explanation was that? quite obviously not. Two other organs, will be discussed in chapter DS after this. in order to make friends curious .
That is all and thank you.
Sources : 
-Abdullah, Kirajuddin, dkk.2007.IPA TERPADU SMP dan MTs Jilid 3A untuk Kelas IX Semester 1.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Aryulina, Diah, dkk.2006.Biologi SMA dan MA untuk Kelas XI.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Djoko, Arisworo, dkk.2006.IPA Terpadu (Biologi, Kimia, Fisika).Jakarta:Grafindo Media Pratama
-Furqonita, Deswanty. 2007.Seri 3 BIOLOGI SMP kelas IX.Jakarta:Yudhistira


Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Hello World!


Hello World!
Or the Indonesian language, Selamat datang Dunia.

Once more, Welcome in my room of share guys.
Finally, this blog is also the author created successfully. with all the limitations of time and place while college. This blog who will adorn the author free time in busy schedules lecture at the State University of the People of Aceh.

This blog is a continuation of a previous blog . Diverse Science blog, which I made before this blog . Where this blog is the same with diverse science blog , and the difference is only in the use of the English language . So at once to the place I learned to speak English properly , and smoothly .
If later there who would like to ask , please give the question in the comments ya buddy.Or can be directly through my email at : hikmawanpriyanto01@gmail.com.Comrades can ask about which I uploaded or any other questions

Furthermore, the authors will refer to the author with DS (Diverse Science), so that's kind of cool slightly. hehe :D
In this blog, The author will write about the diverse science . And will try to discuss it in detail and simple

Hopefully, with the formation of this blog may help the reader to solve the problems of his life yes. hehe

Okay, for the last time, the authors say welcome and happy reading.

Briefly acquainted with the author ya buddy.
