Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

System Excretion in Humans (Part 1).


Welcome Friends.

If all my friends already had studied the respiratory system and digestive system. Well, the end result is a residual substances such as feces and CO2 if it is too long or too many accumulate in the body can disrupt the balance in the body, and the edges will cause your body to become ill .
Excretory System willbe discussed, its is important to understand the process of spending substances resulting from the respiratory and digestive systems. Therefore, let us begin to discuss one by one.

The system itself is derived from the Latin ( Systema ) and Greek ( Sustema ) is a unit consisting of components or elements that are connected together in order to facilitate the flow of energy, information, materials to achieve a goal.
Excretion itself is spending the metabolic waste products from the body through certain organs.
So we can conclude excretory system is a system that mengatuh material balance, energy present in our body by focusing on spending the rest of the substances that are not used anymore. Both may have been too much so, in simple excretory system is the system that regulates spending the rest of the substances that exist in our bodies.
Organ Excretion
Excretory organs are organs that make up the excretory system itself. There are four organs that compose and to his 4 is very important for our body. Four organs are the lungs, liver, skin, and kidney. Well, we start in this order, okay. But, of the four organs of excretion which we will discuss or DS discussed at this time, we will discuss two first organ, which is a vital organ in our body. 
1. Lungs

Lung 2 pieces or pair, there in the chest cavity in our bodies, right and left. Separated by the mediastinum and limited ribs I ( Os. Costae I) to diagfragmatika. The right part of the lung consists of three lobes and the left side of the two lobes.
The main function of the lung, is a breathing apparatus. But in this case the rest of the lung will secrete substances metabolism, namely carbon dioxide ( CO2 ).
CO2 and H2O are substances residual respiratory metabolism, blood from the tissue, then into the left side of the heart, and then pumped to the lungs. In the lungs was , or rather in that alveolus CO2 and H2O which are waste products are removed and replaced with O2 and back into the left side of the heart and is pumped throughout the body to meet their energy needs.
More will be discussed in subsequent articles.
2. The Liver

The liver is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity in normal circumstances. There under diagfragmatika.
The liver produces bile. Because the liver into the excretory organs in the human body. Bile itself is a metabolic waste products, composed of water, bile salts, bile acids, cholesterol, bile dye, and other substances. The liver also be a revamp of the old hemoglobin, is certainly very nice. Where if hemoglobin is old, then he is not functioning optimally. Once overhauled, formed bilirubin. Bilirubin and bile was issued jointly into the intestine, in the intestine bilirubin is broken down into sterkoblin, and urobilin. Sterkobilin color stool or feces. Urobilin urine color .
If there is a disruption of the formation and distribution, it usually will happen buildup of bilirubin in the blood and the absence in the feces. Will cause the color of urine or stool white / brown, and yellowish skin color. Often called jaundice.
More will be discussed in subsequent articles 
Well, how the two organs explanation was that? quite obviously not. Two other organs, will be discussed in chapter DS after this. in order to make friends curious .
That is all and thank you.
Sources : 
-Abdullah, Kirajuddin, dkk.2007.IPA TERPADU SMP dan MTs Jilid 3A untuk Kelas IX Semester 1.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Aryulina, Diah, dkk.2006.Biologi SMA dan MA untuk Kelas XI.Jakarta:Erlangga
-Djoko, Arisworo, dkk.2006.IPA Terpadu (Biologi, Kimia, Fisika).Jakarta:Grafindo Media Pratama
-Furqonita, Deswanty. 2007.Seri 3 BIOLOGI SMP kelas IX.Jakarta:Yudhistira


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